Study Smarter with Synopto.

The All-In-One Study Machine.

Synopto incorporates features such as generative AI, productivity screen locking, enforced spaced repetition, and gamified reward system to capture your undivided attention.

Prioritize Understanding over Memory.

Synopto user generative AI to generate meaningful application based questions for any given subject. It also uses AI to determine even the slightest differences in acceptable answers to make sure you always get full credit. Synopto quizzes users on both definitions they need to know as well as a mixture of application questions similar to what they may see on a test.

Destroy Distractions

Synopto utilizes Appleā€™s screen-lock API to allow users to be locked out of apps that they deem distracting when it is time to study. The user will not be able to use apps like TikTok or Instagram until they address the study question that is due.

Questions are distributed based on the Modern Leitner Spaced repetition system to have important questions sent at peek periods of retention.